Die Werke sind chronologisch bzw. alphabetisch aufgelistet.
Die wichtigsten Archive für die wissenschaftliche Forschung befinden sich in der Royal Academy of Music in London, der Arthur Jacobs nach Fertigstellung seiner Biographie seine Unterlagen als Grundstock eines Sullivan-Archivs zur Verfügung gestellt hat (siehe Sir Arthur Sullivan Society Magazine Nr. 25, Sommer 1987, S. 3 – 4), ferner in der Pierpont Morgan Library in New York, in der Yale University, in der British Library in London und beim D'Oyly Carte Opera Trust.
Nähere Einzelheiten zu den Bühnenwerken finden Sie bei
Empfehlungen für Aufführungen und Inszenierungen
Sullivans deutsche Lieder, The Lost Chord, Liederzyklus The Window, Shakespeare-Lieder
Klavierwerke, Stücke für Streichquartett und Werke für Cello und Klavier
Part Songs, Oratorium The Prodigal Son,
dramatische Kantaten The Martyr of Antioch oder The Golden Legend
Sinfonie in E, Cellokonzert, Konzertouvertüren wie Macbeth, Marmion oder In Memoriam
Schauspielmusik zu Shakespeares The Tempest (Der Sturm) und Macbeth
Opern Ruddigore, The Yeomen of the Guard, Ivanhoe / szenisch: The Golden Legend
(Jahr / Titel / Standort des engl. Manuskripts)
1863-64 The Sapphire Necklace
(unvollendet, Partitur nicht erhalten)1867 Cox and Box
New York, Pierpont Morgan Library1867 The Contrabandista
London, British Library1871 Thespis
(Partitur nicht erhalten)1875 Trial by Jury
New York, Pierpont Morgan Library1875 The Zoo
London, British Library1877 The Sorcerer
New York, Wolfson Foundation1878 HMS Pinafore
New York, Pierpont Morgan Library1879 The Pirates of Penzance
New York, Pierpont Morgan Library1881 Patience
London, British Library1882 Iolanthe
London, D'Oyly Carte Opera Trustees1884 Princess Ida
Oxford, Bodleian Library1885 The Mikado
London, Royal Academy of Music1887 Ruddigore
London, British Library1888 The Yeomen of the Guard
London, Royal College of Music1889 The Gondoliers
London, British Library1891 Ivanhoe
New York, Wolfson Foundation1892 Haddon Hall
London, British Library1893 Utopia Limited
(unbekannt)1894 The Chieftain
London, British Library1896 The Grand Duke
New York, Wolfson Foundation1898 The Beauty Stone
Oxford, Bodleian Library1899 The Rose of Persia
Oxford, Bodleian Library1901 The Emerald Isle
(unvollendet; London, British Library)
Bühnenmusik, Ballette
(Jahr / Titel / Autor)
1861 The Tempest (Shakespeare)
1864 L'Ile enchantée (Choreographie: Desplaces)
1871 The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare)
1874 The Merry Wives of Windsor (Shakespeare)
1877 Henry VIII. (Shakespeare)
1888 Macbeth (Shakespeare)
1892 The Foresters (Tennyson)
1895 King Arthur (Carr)
1897 Victoria and Merrie England (Choreographie: Coppi)
Werke für Soli, Chor und Orchester
(Jahr / Titel / Quelle bzw. Autor)
1864 Kenilworth (Chorley)
1869 The Prodigal Son (Bibel/Sullivan)
1871 On Shore and Sea (Taylor)
1872 „Te deum laudamus“ , „Domine salvam fac reginam“ (liturgisch)
1873 The Light of the World (Bibel/Sullivan)
1880 The Martyr of Antioch (Milman/Gilbert)
1886 Ode [Opening of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition] (Tennyson)
1886 The Golden Legend (Longfellow/J. Bennett)
1887 Ode [Imperial Institute] (Morris)
1902 „Te deum laudamus“ (liturgisch)
1858 Ouvertüre in d-Moll (Partitur nicht erhalten)
1860 Ouvertüre „The Feast of Roses“ (Partitur nicht erhalten)
1863 Procession March
1863 Princess of Wales's March
1866 Sinfonie in E-Dur
1866 Ouvertüre „In Memoriam„
1866 Konzert für Cello und Orchester (bis auf Cellopart nicht erhalten, rekonstruiert von Mackerras/Mackie)
1867 Ouvertüre „Marmion„
1870 „Overtura di ballo„
1893 Imperial March
1857 Scherzo (Klavier)
1857 Capriccio Nr. 2 Klavier (unvollendet)
1859 Streichquartett in d-Moll (nicht erhalten)
1859 Romanze in g-Moll (Streichquartett)
1862 Thoughts (Klavier)
1865 An Idyll (Cello und Klavier)
1866 Allegro risoluto (Klavier)
1867 Day Dreams (Klavier)
1868 Duo Concertante (Cello und Klavier)
1868 Twilight (Klavier)
(Jahr / Titel / Quelle bzw. Autor)
(v = veröffentlicht; u = unveröffentlicht)
1857 (u) Madrigal („O lady dear“ )
1857 (u) It was a lover and his lass (Shakespeare)
1857 (v. 1904) Seaside thoughts
1863 (v) The last night of the year (Chorley)
1863 (v. 1898) When love and beauty (Chorley, aus The Sapphire Necklace)
1867 (v) O hush thee, my babie (Scott)
1867 (v) The rainy day (Longfellow)
1868 (v) Seven Part Songs: Evening (Houghton, nach Goethe), Joy to the victors (Scott), Parting gleams (de Vere), Echoes (T. Moore), I sing the birth (B. Jonson), The long day closes (Chorley), The beleaguered (Chorley).
1870 (v) All this night (trad. Weihnachtslied)
1871 (v) Five Sacred Part-Songs: It came upon the midnight clear; Lead, kindly light (J.H. Newman); Through sorrow's path (Kirk White); Watchman, what of the night?, The way is long and drear (Procter).
1876 (v) Upon the snow-clad earth (trad. Weihnachtslied)
1883 (v) Hark, what mean those holy voices? (trad. Weihnachtslied)
1898 (v) Wreaths for our graves (Massey)
1903 (v) Fair daffodils (Herrick)
(Autor / Verlag)
Absent-minded Beggar, The Kipling/Enoch 1899
Answer, The (s. Window) Tennyson
Arabian Love Song Shelley/Chappell 1866
At The Window (s. Window) Tennyson
Ay de mi, My Bird (s. Young Mother) Eliot
Bid Me at Least Good-bye Grundy/Chappell 1894
Birds in the Night Boosey 1869
Bride from the North Cramer 1863
Care is All Fiddle-de-dee Burnand/Cramer 1874
Chorister, The Weatherley/Metzler 1873
Christmas Bells at Sea Kenney/Novello 1875
Coming Home (Duett Sop., Mezzo) Reece/Boosey 1873
Country Guy Scott/Ashdown 1867
Cradle Song (s. Young Mother) (anonym)
Distant Shore Gilbert/Chappell 1874
Dove Song Brough/Boosey 1869
E tu nol sai Mazzucato/Chappell 1889
Edward Grey Tennyson/Weber 1880
Ever B. Moore/Chappell 1887
First Departure, The (s. Young Mother) Monro
From East to Western Ind. = Rosalinde
Give Proctor/Boosey 1867
Golden Days Lewin/Boosey 1872
Gone! (s. The Window) Tennyson
Guinevere Lewin/Cramer 1872
I Heard the Nightingale Townsend/Chappell 1863
I Wish to Tune my Quiv'ring Lyre Byron/Boosey 1868
I Would I Were a King Hugo/Boosey 1878
Ich möchte hinaus es jauchzen Corrodi 1859
If Doughty Deeds Graham/Chappell 1866
In the Summers Long Ago (anonym)/Metzler 1867
In the Twilight of our Love (nach Patience)/Chappell 1881
Let me Dream Again Stephenson/Boosey 1875
Letter, The (s. Window) Tennyson
Lied, mit Thränen halb geschrieben Eichendorff 1861
Life that Lives for You, A Lewin/Boosey 1870
Little Darling, Sleep Again Metzler 1876
Little Maid of Arcadee (aus Thespis) Gilbert/Cramer 1872
Living Poems Longfellow/Boosey 1874
Longing for Home Ingelow/Novello 1904
Looking Back Gray/Boosey 1870
Looking Forward Gray/Boosey 1873
Lost Chord, The Procter/Boosey 1873
Love Laid his Sleepless Head Swinburne/Boosey 1875
Love that Loves Me Not, The Gilbert/Novello 1875
Maiden's Story, The Embury/Chappell 1867
Marquis de Mincepie, The Burnand/Cramer 1874
Marriage Morning (s. Window) Tennyson
Mary Morison Burns/Boosey 1874
Moon in Silent Brightness, The Heber/Metzler 1868
Morn, Happy Morn (Terzett) Wills/Metzler 1878
Mother's Dream, The Barnes/Boosey 1868
My Child and I Weatherley/Boosey 1901
My Dear and Only Love Montrose/Boosey 1874
My Dearest Heart Boosey 1876
My Heart is Like a Silent Lute Disraeli/Novello 1904
My Love Beyond the Sea Douglas/Metzler 1877
Nel ciel seren (s. Venetian Serenade)
No Answer („The mist and the rain“ , s. Window) Tennyson
No answer („Winds are loud and you are dumb“ , s. Window) Tennyson
None But I Can Say Lewin/Boosey 1872
O Fair Dove, O Fond Dove Ingelow/Ashdown 1868
O Israel Novello 1855
O Mistress Mine Shakespeare/Metzler 1866
O Swallow, Swallow Tennyson/Church 1900
O Sweet and Fair Boosey 1868
Oh! bella mia Rizelli/Cramer 1873
Oh! ma Charmante Hugo/Cramer 1872
Old Love Letters Cowan/Boosey 1879
On the Hill (s. Window) Tennyson
Once Again Lewin/Boosey 1872
Orpheus with his Lute Shakespeare/Metzler 1866
Over the Roof Chorley/Cramer 1866
River, The (anonym)/Novello 1875
Roads Should Blossom, The (unbekannt) 1864
Rosalind Shakespeare/Metzler 1866
Sad Memories Rowe/Metzler 1869
Sailor's Grave, The Lyte/Cramer 1872
St. Agnes's Eve Tennyson/Boosey 1879
Shadow, A Procter/Pater & Willis 1886
She is Not Fair to Outward View Coleridge/Boosey 1866
Sigh no More, Ladies Shakespeare/Metzler 1866
Sisters, The (Duett) Tennyson/Weber 1881
Sleep, My Love Melville/Boosey 1874
Snow Lies White. The Ingelow/Boosey 1868
Sometimes Lindsay/Boosey 1877
Spring (s. Window) Tennyson
Sweet Day, So Cool Herbert/Metzler 1864
Sweet Dreamer Farnie/Cramer 1874
Sweethearts Gilbert/Chappell 1875
Tears, Idle Tears Tennyson/Church 1900
Tender and True Chappell 1874
There Sits a Bird in Yonder Tree Barham/Cramer 1873
Thou Art Lost to Me (anonym)/Boosey 1865
Thou Art Weary Procter/Chappell 1874
Thou'rt Passing Hence Procter/Chappell 1874
The One in Paradise Poe/Novello 1904
Troubadour, The Scott/Boosey 1869
Venetian Serenade – Nel ciel seren Rizzelli/Cramer 1873
Village Chimes, The Rowe/Boosey 1870
Weary Lot is Thine, Fair Maid, A Scott/Chappell 1866
We Gathered The Roses Metzler 1867
We've Ploughed Our Land (anonym)/Novello 1875
What Does Little Birdie Say? Tennyson/Ashdown 1867
When? (s. Window) Tennyson
When Thou Art Near Stewart/Boosey 1877
Where is Another Sweet as my Sweet? (s. Window) Tennyson
White Plume, The Douglas/Weippert 1872
Will He Come? Procter/Boosey 1865
Willow Song, The Shakespeare/Metzler 1866
Window, The (11 Lieder) Tennyson/Strahan 1871
Winter (s. Window) Tennyson
You Sleep(engl. Version v. „E tu nol sai“ ) Stephenson
Young Mother (3 Lieder) anon./Eliot/Munro/Cramer 1874
Kirchenmusik, Anthems usw.
I. Te deum, Jubilate, Kyrie (in D-Dur) 1866
II. Anthems (v = veröffentlicht; u = unveröffentlicht)
1850 (u) By the waters of Babylon
1855 (u) Sing unto the Lord
1856 (u) Psalm 103
1860 (v. 1865) We have heard with our ears
1864 (v) O love the Lord
1867 (v. 1871) O God, thou art worthy
1867 (v) O taste and see
1868 (v) Rejoice in the Lord
1869 (v) Sing, O heavens
1871 (v) I will worship
1875 (v) I will mention thy loving-kindness
1877 (v) I will sing of thy power
1877 (v) Hearken unto me
1878 (v) Turn thy face
1883 (v) Who is like unto thee?
1900 (v. 1910) I will lay me down in peace
III. Arrangements russischer Kirchenmusik
1874 (v) Turn thee again
1874 (v) Mercy and truth
IV. Anglikanischer Gesang für Psalm 150 (Manuskript, undatiert)
(Erste Zeile / Titel der Melodie / Jahr)
A few more years shall roll „Leominster“ 1902
All this night bright angels sing 1902
Art thou weary, art thou languid „Rest“ 1872
At Thine altar, Lord, we gather „Dulce sonans“ 1874
Be Thou with us every day „Litany, No. 3„
Brightly gleams our banner „St. Theresa“ 1874
Christ is risen! „Resurrexit“ 1874
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire „Veni, Creator“ 1874
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain „St. Kevin“ 1872
Courage, brother, do not stumble „Courage, brother“ 1872
Crown Him with many crowns „Coronae“ 1874
Draw nigh, and take the body of the Lord „Coena Domini“ 1874
Father of heaven, Who hast created all „St. Francis“ 1874
For all Thy love and goodness „Springtime“ 1902
For ever with the Lord „Nearer Home“ 1902
From Egypt's bondage come „Pilgrimage“ 1874
God bless our wide Dominion „Dominion Hymn“ 1880
Gentle Shepherd 1872
God moves in a mysterious way „St. Nathaniel“ 1867
God the all-terrible! King who ordainest „Ultor omnipotens“ 1874
Great King of nations, hear our prayer „Old 137th“ 1902
Hark, a thrilling voice is sounding „Lux eoi“ 1874
He is gone – a cloud of light „St. Patrick“ 1874
Holy Spirit, come in might „Light“ 1902
Hushed was the evening hymn „Hushed was the evening hymn“ 1874
I heard the voice of Jesus say „Audite audientes me“ 1874
In the hour of my distress „Evelyn“ 1874
Jesu, life of those who die „Litany, No. 2“ 1875
Jesu, my Saviour, look on me „Hanford“ 1874
Jesu, we are far away „Litany, No. 1“ 1875
Let no tears to-day be shed „St. Millicent“ 1874
Let us with a gladsome mind „Ever faithful, ever sure“ 1874
Lord, in this, Thy mercy's day „Lacrymae“ 1872
Lord Divine, all love excelling „Falfield“ bzw. „Formosa“ 1867
My God, I thank Thee Who hast made „Carrow“ 1875
Nearer, my God, to Thee „Proprior Deo“ 1872
Of Thy love some gracious token „Of Thy Love“ bzw. „St. Lucian“ 1868
O God, the Ruler of our race „Bishopsgarth„
O Jesu, Thou art standing „Lux mundi“ 1872
O King of Kings „Bishopsgarth“ 1897
O love that wilt not let me go “ „Chapel Royal“ 1902
O Paradise! „Paradise“ 1874
O Strength and Stay upholding all creation „Marlborough“ 1902
O where shall rest be found „Ecclesia“ 1874
Onward, Christian soldiers „St. Gertrude“ 1871
Our Blest Redeemer, ere He breathed „Promissio Patris“ 1874
Rock of Ages, cleft for me „Mount Zion“ 1867
Safe home, safe home in port „Safe home“ 1872
Saviour, when in dust to Thee „St. Mary Magdalene“ 1872
Show me not only Jesus dying „Christus“ 1874
Sing Alleluia forth in duteous praise „Holy City“ 1874
Stars of evening, softly gleaming „Angel voices“ 1872
Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go „Valete“ 1874
Tender Shepherd, Thou hast still'd „The long home“ 1872
The homeland, the homeland „Hymn of the homeland“ 1867
The roseate hues of early dawn „The roseate hues“ 1902
The Saints of God, their conflict past „Saints of God“ 1874
The Son of God goes forth to war „St. Ann“ 1869
The strain upraise in joy and praise „The strain upraise“ 1868
Thou God of Love, beneath Thy sheltering wings „Thou God of Love“ 1867
Thou, to Whom the sick and dying „Bolwell“ 1902
To mourn our dead we gather here „Victoria“ 1902
To Thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise „Golden sheaves“ 1874
We are but strangers here „Fatherland“ bzw. „St. Edmund“ 1872
'Welcome, happy morning!' age to age shall say „Welcome, happy morning“ bzw. „Fortunatus“ 1872
When through the torn sail „Heber“ 1869
While shepherds watched their flocks by night „Bethlehem“ 1902
Who trusts in God, a strong abode „Constance“ 1874
Winter reigneth o'er the land „Clarence“ 1902
With the sweet word of peace „Parting“ 1902
1859 Kadenz für Mozarts Klavierkonzert in A-Dur KV 488
(nicht erhalten ?)1869 Zusätzliche Begleitung zu Händels Jephta
1882 Vervollständigung von John Goss' Anthem „There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun„
Herausgeber von Partituren bei „Boosey's Royal Edition“ (ab Ende der 1860er Jahre):
Beethoven Fidelio
Bellini La sonnambula
Flotow Martha
Gounod Faust
Mozart Don Giovanni
Rossini Il barbiere di Siviglia
Verdi Il Trovatore
In der gleichen Reihe gab Sullivan mit Josiah Pittman folgende Werke heraus:
Auber Le Diamantes de la couronne; Fra Diavolo; Le Domino noir; Masaniello
Balfe The Bohemian Girl
Bellini Norma; I Puritani
Donizetti Don Pasquale; La Favorita; Lucia di Lammermoor; Lucrezia Borgia
Gounod Mireille; Le Médecin malgré lui
Meyerbeer Dinorah; Robert le diable; Les Huguenots
Mozart Die Zauberflöte; Le Nozze di Figaro
Rossini Guillaume Tell; Semiramide
Verdi Un ballo in maschera; Rigoletto; La Traviata
Wagner Lohengrin
Weber Der Freischütz
Vor 1874 gab Sullivan auch für Cramer Mendelssohns Lieder ohne Worte heraus.
I. Beiträge zu Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 1. Auflage, 1879-89, Artikel über „Clay, Frederic“ und „Plaidy, Louis“ .
II. „About Music“ , Rede in Birmingham, 19. Oktober 1888.
III. Artikel „In the days of my youth“ (Nr. 34) in der Zeitschrift M. A. P. („Mainly about people“ ), 4. Februar 1899.
Standort weiterer wichtiger Manuskripte:
The Absent-Minded Beggar
New York Public Library, Berg CollectionCello-Konzert
New York, Pierpont Morgan LibraryDi-Ballo-Ouvertüre
Pierpont Morgan Library, New YorkExhibition Ode 1886
New York, Pierpont Morgan LibraryThe Foresters
Pierpont Morgan Library, New YorkThe Golden Legend
London, Royal College of MusicHenry VIII
New York, Wolfson FoundationL'Ile enchantée
New York, Pierpont Morgan Library/London, BBC Music LibraryIn Memoriam
Oxford, Bodleian LibraryIrish Symphony
Sammlung John Wolfson, New YorkKing Arthur
New York, Pierpont Morgan LibraryThe Light of The World
Oxford University Music Faculty LibraryMarmion-Ouvertüre
Bodleian Library, OxfordThe Martyr of Antioch
London, Royal Academy of MusicThe Merchant of Venice
Bodleian Library, OxfordThe Merry Wives of Windsor
New York, Wolfson FoundationOn Shore and Sea
Privatsammlung in den USAThe Prodigal Son,
Privatsammlung in EnglandTrial by Jury (4 Seiten mit Kompositionsskizzen)
Washington, D. C., Library of Congress